An appraisal from Columbus Appraisal Company, llc.
could save you $$$thousands$$$ when buying a
home in Central Ohio.
Buying a home is a complex process, and we understand what you're going through. We can help you to make a knowledgeable buying decision with easy to read documents specially tailored to your needs.
Columbus Appraisal Company, llc. can provide you with a professional appraisal report that will put you at ease when making one of the most important decisions of your life. Get with Columbus Appraisal Company, llc. for more details. |
Standard operating procedure for Columbus Appraisal Company, llc. includes...
Prompt response to your initial inquiry: You will get personalized info from us for your request. All you need to do is just tell us exactly what you're going through and we'll make recommendations.
- Our company guarantees prompt turnaround time: Typically one week or less from the date the order is received, you'll have results.
- Reports tailored for the knowledge of a consumer who's not a seasoned real estate pro: When it comes to consulting and appraisal, "One size does NOT fit all." We offer a wide range of report types and delivery techniques.
- A prompt response to follow-up questions: You can be assured that all Columbus Appraisal Company, llc.'s reports meet or exceed Ohio's guidelines and the Uniform Standards of Professional Practice that establishes appraisal standards on a federal level. The staff at Columbus Appraisal Company, llc. is open to your inquiries pertaining to your appraisal. Just give us a call at 614-523-3390 - we are here to take care of you!